Welcome to Vampire Book Club!!! 🧛 📚 🩸


We are a group of friends and family who enjoy reading books about vampires. We use this site to keep track of our current reading, past reading, and to help find new books to read.

Vampire Book Club was started in October 2024 by "S. Navae", who wanted to reread the The Vampire Lestat in preparation for the third season of Interview the Vampire. (As a tireless librarians by day, Sir Navae indulges in ONE television show per year, and it will be Interview the Vampire until the day it ends).

The book club began with close friends and family and has opened up to more famiy members and friends. As we live all over the United States and Canada, we primarly meet on Zoom, but sometimes we are lucky enough to meet in person :)

If you are lucky enough to be asked to join this esteemed coven, welcome! And beware! We read and love vampires like these fiends loves blood—deeply, relentlessly, and with a thirst that never quite satisfies...